Monday, August 07, 2006

A Weird Thing Happened To Me.

So I was minding my own business the other day working, and I got an add request on MSN Messenger. Fairly normal you might think, apart from the fact that it was a request from Aaron. Aaron Rosenthal. That's my name. The address was I figured maybe it was someone with the same name who had found me. My name's pretty unusual, but it's not a ridiculous thought. So I said yes. And then things went even weirder.

The other 'Aaron' said hello on MSN, and had my photo. You what? He insisted we just looked the same, but obviously it's a photo of me. He never relented and admitted who he was. The only information he gave me was that he was from Barking. Bizarre.

Basically I wanna know who it was - anyone gonna help me out?

Click on the chat window on the right to make it bigger and see what happened.


At 12:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aarons comedy is as well rounded as his belly but in this case we see that two aarons are not better than one.

At 4:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Aaron, one of two things has happened here-

a) Microsoft have included the perfect thing for those that have a hotmail account but no friends- the ability to talk to one's self and encourage multi personality disorder- after all there's only two Andy Gorams.

b) Danny Dyer just happens to have chosen Ronnierosenthal as his nickname and moved into your neck of the woods. . .

Now which is it?


At 4:45 pm, Blogger Aaron said...

Who are these anonymous people? I may have to only allow members to post if you insist on not leaving a name.

As for Danny Dyer - eh? What you on about? The guy claims he is called Aaron Rosenthal. And he has my photo. But says he is from Barking (which is not where I'm from).


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